Frederick's Harvest

Thoughts from a teachable heart.

Friday, April 28, 2006


Words can have so much meaning depending upon how they are ordered or what meaning we attach to them. This is becoming more and more evident as I watch remakes of media. For example, there is a distinct difference between the version of The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe as produced by Focus on the Family Radio Theatre, and that of the recent film. I knew the two would be different and I was prepared for differences but I was disappointed in the movie because of all the dialogue that was special to me that was left out. The biggest dialogue I miss is between Mr. and Mrs. Beaver and the children when the Beavers are trying to explain about Aslan. He’s the king and he’s a lion, and he isn’t a tame lion. The children ask if he’s safe and Mr. Beaver replies, “Of course he isn’t safe, but he’s good.” I understand that the significance of this conversation draws its power from the symbolism of Aslan as Jesus Christ but sitting in the movie theater watching the movie I couldn’t help but feel a little (or a lot) disappointed.

It’s the same thing for the two most recent film versions of Pride and Prejudice. The longer, more accurate A&E version runs 5 hours long but keeps the dialogue very well intact. The 2 hour Focus Films production kept some of the major lines, as well as some that provide a good chuckle. I recently watched both versions in quick succession to each other and felt that the Focus version was very rushed and one-dimensional. The audience only gets Elizabeth Bennett’s perspective, and even then it is without the dialogue with her sister Jane, provided by A&E, that shows the progression of her thoughts and experience. In the Focus version she is sitting on a swing…huh? Related to this objection is the failure of the Focus production to show Mr. Darcy’s side. He changes just as much, if not more than Elizabeth, and it is a tribute to the strength of Elizabeth’s character; but you don’t see that. Nor do you hear my favorite line in the whole ending of the A&E production (and probably the book also) during the conversation between Elizabeth and her father about the acceptance of Mr. Darcy’s proposal. Elizabeth ends her argument in support of her acceptance by saying that, “[Darcy] is truly the best man I have ever known.” And so the reversal of her feelings is complete but her words telling of her affection and confidence in the character of this man are more powerful than this one sentence. These words are empowering. I cannot think of any man who would not want the woman in his life to tell him, “You are the finest man I have ever known.” It applies the same for women as well I’m sure, though I’m not sure what form the finest would take.

Words can free and they can enslave. They can be a source of pain or a source of strength and encouragement.
Let us be mindful of our words then, that we may use them in a way honoring to our Heavenly Father, and those whom we hold so dear.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Surprised by words...

Have you ever sat down to write anything, and just been surprised by the end result. The other day I was journaling and this is what came out. I have been thinking about relationships a lot lately (me and almost everyone I know) and I share this with you as an encouragement to anyone who might need it. If you feel like you are in the wilderness don’t get inpatient…wait on the Lord and be open to His leading…You may be surprised by what happens.

"There have been many moments in my life when I have longed to share those moments with somebody special, a woman whom I love and who loves me back. During college, on my missions trips, many times that person had a name but time has shown that it was not time for love to be awakened. And at that time I did not truly understand what it meant to love, nor was my heart capable of that kind of love.

But the Lord, called me into the desert, to the loneliness and solitude of the wilderness where He would teach me and show me how to open my heart; to discover all that I could be. To learn how to run my race, and to learn what my race is. To learn what it means to seek Him first and His kingdom, and His righteousness. God has taken me to the wilderness and has given me gardens of joy. Where the roots of bitterness and pain ran deep he has sown a harvest of mercy, peace and endurance.

God, grant me grace to wait expectantly, and with heart open to what You will do. Let me not turn to my own understanding and own energies."

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


One reason that I don't really miss Beijing...

Sandstorm blankets Beijing - Weather -

I was only there for one sand storm but found the contrast between the dirty air and the florescent glow of the light bulbs of the classroom building amazing...

Thursday, April 13, 2006


Has it really been almost two months since my last post?

Sorry about that. I just haven't made posting a priority of late.
Or at least I haven't deemed the thoughts in my head worthy of a post,
but here's one I wanted to share that came about this past weekend.

I went to South Carolina with some of the leaders in Grace Campus Ministries
(which I have mentioned before). We went to this lodge that is really close to GA, and NC in that western corner of SC (did you catch that).
It was good to be out in the woods to feel the wind in my face, to jump in a 60 degree late and not wear a watch for close to two days.
I had the chance to stop and listen, to hear this poetry of life that is composed by
the clapping of leaves on the trees, the calls of birds, the sound of the waves, and the laughter of good friends.

I think there are too many times that we don't stop to hear the poetry that is so closely woven into our hearts that if it were to stop so would we.

So needless to say I had an excellent weekend and now I am trying to finish my school work so I can finish my thesis so I can get this gorilla off my back (which is actually more like a chimpanzi - but it has still thrown way too much poo around).
And all this with three weeks of semester left.

Anyway...I hope to be seeing my internet community a bit more, and again, I apologize for my absence.